Rotra takes care of your Intrastat
What is Intrastat?
Intrastat is an internationally used system, used by countries within the European Union, for exchanging information on import and export goods. After the opening of borders in 1993, the EU created the system to continue meeting information needs.
When the annual value of imports or exports of goods passes a certain amount, the company is required to make a statistical declaration in the system. This declaration of trade data can be seen as a kind of tax return.
The trade data are transmitted by entrepreneurs to the statistical services of the relevant EU country. In the Netherlands, CBS (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) receives the entered trade data from the Intrastat system. In Belgium, National Bank Belgium receives these data.
What are Intrastat codes?
The Intrastat code is an 8-digit code used to divide goods into categories. Intrastat codes are used within the Intrastat system. This system is used within the European Union for the exchange of information on import and export of goods. Intrastat codes are also called commodity codes or HS codes. Their use, function and the codes themselves are the same (per country). The list of codes is updated annually based on adjustments needed for Customs as well as for statistics. CBS has a list of current codes available on its website.
With our specialists from the Rotra customs department, we handle all customs formalities for all shipments worldwide, including Intrastat. For more info contact us directly.
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